Category: Health n Fitness

  • A letter to my future self

    Dear me, How are you doing? Me too fine.. Loading to 2023.. hand flipping the 2022 calendar to 2023 year You remember, I was in ICU when 2022 started.. Hospitals, diagnosis, tests, reviews… What a happening NEW #NewYear was last time.. Whatever, I’m still alive with some ups and downs.…

  • Cry if you want to

    Cry if you want to

    Cry if you want to! Are you forcing yourself to stay calm or atleast not to cry? Are you refraining from venting out? Are you afraid to share what you are feeling? If so, you are simply accepting an invitation from depression and other health hazards. “Strong men don’t cry”…

  • Food has no gender- Do you know cooking?

    Food has no gender- Do you know cooking?

    Do you know cooking? Irrespective of gender all must know cooking. It’s a basic survival skill. A soul hug if you can cook. Actually even our education system must teach these basic skills like cooking, investing etc . Proudly I can say that I know cooking. I cook for myself…

  • Do you have an I shaped or C shaped posture?

    Do you have an I shaped or C shaped posture?

    A girl in my office bus Some days back, a girl in my office bus caught my attention. The girl was sitting so straight that was really nice to watch. You may be wondering what is unusual in that. Just try to sit or stand in the right posture for…

  • Covid Vaccination & Reactions: Senryu

    chilly nights tone up burning eyes under blankets vaccine influences #covishield I posted this Senryu (5-7-5 poetry) just to remind one thing specifically! There could be some reactions after any vaccination (not just covid vaccines). That’s quite common and normal responses to vaccines. Nothing to be panic, but just make…

  • Lock down impact on my thyroid hormones

    Lock down impact on my thyroid hormones

    Six months back I met a doctor, further to a hair fall crisis. It was in Feb mid of 2020. And a lot many tests were followed. Well I was not exempted even from an ECG. Everything was normal except thyroid functions. They were a little bit hyper active making…

  • I missed my world for many weeks

    I missed my world for many weeks

    Can bacteria and viruses live together? If you have any doubt upon that, just look at my eyes. My poor eyes were the venue for their get-together. Science says when viruses and bacteria stay together; they are just competing to take over your body. But I felt these guys were…

  • Food free day- Rest the tummy

    Fasting! …If you are a health conscious person, I am quite sure that most of you would be already practicing the same on a periodic basis. Couple of days back I had an interaction with a naturopathist. He reminded me on the importance of fasting as a healing strategy. Don’t…

  • Escape from dilution

    Day 1: “I am running late, so let me skip the morning work out . I am doing it regularly, so no issues if I skip on a  day” Day 2: “It’s heavily raining. Seems I cannt go out for jogging. Will go tomorrow for sure” Day 3: ” Having…

  • Do you have an I shaped or C shaped posture?

    Do you have an I shaped or C shaped posture?

    Some days back, I laid eyes on a girl sitting in my office bus. The girl was sitting so straight that was really catching my eyes. You may be wondering what is unusual in that. Now just try to sit or stand in the right posture for at least ten…

  • Give your eyes a break

    Give your eyes a break

    The poor eyes.. How long they are working in a day. What will be the all-day efficiency of eyes..? Just like a distribution transformer, they are forced to work in their entire life time. We will rarely realize the eye strain or simply ignore it as our routine stuffs won’t allow us…

  • Notion of the day

    Notion of the day

    Beware!.. Dont drink too much water when you are locked up in  a place without restroom 😉

  • Walking barefooted

    Walking barefooted

    Walking in nature is one of the natural prescriptions for better health. Now what about walking barefooted..? Why can’t we take a step back and synchronize with the mother earth by taking the shoes off at least for five minutes daily? With the advancements in technology, we are missing the…

  • Healthy mind and Body

    I did an exercise last day. A simple exercise to know my daily time stamps. Interestingly I observed that on working days I spend • 25 % – for office • 10 % – for myself • 35 % – for family and remaining time for sleeping. Then on holidays,…

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