Category: Self Help

  • Who is the captain of your life- you or your circumstances?

    Who is the captain of your life- you or your circumstances?

    Have you been impacted by circumstances beyond your control? Do you ponder how you became ensnared in the web of events? Despite your innocence, you find yourself victimized by the actions or inactions of others. Yes, for some reasons, maybe sometimes without even a reason we all become victims of…

  • Be wary if labeled a superhuman

    If they call you a superhuman, just be cautious.

  • Happy New Year !!

    Happy New Year !!

     Hello new year, I’m waiting for you. Bring me sweets coated with peace and a family packet ice cream of happiness flavour. So guys, It’s time for a bit introspection.. Give it a try.. 7 Questions Featured Image Courtesy : Free Stock Photos · Pexels

  • I’m not going to change for anyone.. Sure..?

    I’m not going to change for anyone.. Sure..?

    People say, this is me. I’m not going to change for anyone. If you cannot adjust me, get away. Well, no offense. But just a question to you “Aren’t you a social being?” The social media and all such have created this impact on us that we can do whatever…

  • Don’t try to see good in everything always

    Don’t try to see good in everything always

    Trying to see good in everything always..? People say it as a good habit. Everyone in fact asks us to see good in others. Yeah..It’s good too. I always try to see good in everything. Actually it is not a try, rather it just happens naturally. In fact, how I…

  • I’m everything what I’m seeking

    I’m everything what I’m seeking

    At my bad times, But they didn’t appear, Not a call, not even a text.. To be frank, I didn’t expect them to. But if they come again, maybe I will treat them the same as before not that I could easily forget everything, but .. I don’t care anymore..…

  • The mental tax you are paying for too much of the investment stress

    The mental tax you are paying for too much of the investment stress

    Do you ever realize how much mental tax you are paying for too much of the investment stress being taken? Investing is a skill blossoming from a disciplined- hard working mind. But do you ever realize how much mental tax you are paying for too much of the investment stress…

  • 2 Ways to Overcome Impostor Syndrome

    ‘I don’t actually deserve the job and accomplishments’,‘I’m going to be found out soon’‘Do I really deserve all these appreciations or are they just doing some favor for me?’ Have you ever thought like this? In a world of show-off, there are some people who downplay their accomplishments and attribute…

  • Trapped in the hands of laziness?

    Trapped in the hands of laziness?

    Trapped in the hands of laziness even while you strongly desire to be active and work for your thoughts and ideas? Is that a mind block or pure laziness once in a while? And finally the time conscious person in you becomes guilt ridden for draining your time and day?…

  • My digital self is not different from the real self

    My digital self is not different from the real self

    Whether I’m insane or not, my digital self is not different from the real self. The outburst of social media has created many anonymous handles all around us, be it in twitter or facebook or wordpress or instagram or whatever. Well, anonymous handles needn’t be fake. They just don’t want…

  • How to come back to the easy going life?

    How to come back to the easy going life?

    Free spirited Once upon a time there lived a cheerful little dandelion, a white puffy ball. Blown off in the gentle breeze it was moving with the cluster of furry parachutes. It was so calm and heart-warming for any souls on its path… it had no worries, no static whereabouts,…

  • Someone is mad at you doesn’t mean you are bad

    Someone is mad at you doesn’t mean you are bad

    Good & bad are just some insane stories we keep on pouring into the messy business of our own life. Someone is mad at you doesn’t mean you are bad. Neither they!

  • Third person pronouns might be ambiguous at times

    Third person pronouns might be ambiguous at times

    Third person pronouns make the communication easier and writing faster. But they might be ambiguous at times. Those simple words can mislead the readers and listeners if used vaguely. I told him many times to speak politely… (who is ‘he’? ) My relatives and some of my friends came here.…

  • Feeling empty is not insane

    Feeling empty is not insane

    Sometimes all I need is a bubble wrap Sometimes I feel as empty as a bubble There are moments we don’t exist and we call it emptiness. But feeling empty is not insane because that’s how even the atoms inside our body are designed. Yes, literally empty, physically empty and…

  • If they don’t need you, don’t stay

    If they don’t need you, don’t stay anymore. You can’t force a connection. If it flows naturally, it will be felt mutually. Effort must be put in both ways to blossom the relationship (Read about Relationships.. a lot of work..???). One sided sacrifice for long can only ruin your peace.…

  • Negativity- Overcome the bias and stop spreading

    Negativity- Overcome the bias and stop spreading

    Negativity sells everywhere. Do you know how cleverly the negativity creeps into your thoughts even while idealistic thoughts were ruling your brain? You won’t even realize that you are being negative and spreading such negative thoughts. At the epitome of emotions, the negative words out of your mouth have the…

  • Comfort matters- 5 things to keep in mind

    Comfort matters- 5 things to keep in mind

    Comfort matters. Whatever you do, ultimately what matters is your own comfort and satisfaction, you don’t need to fit into any social norms. Every one has their comfort zone, bet it physical or emotional. Respect the boundaries. The warmth of any relationships lies on that breath of comfort. Wear what…

  • Despite the circumstances, have a purpose in hand

    Despite the circumstances, have a purpose in hand

    While circumstances are floating like the waves of ocean hold on to the unshakable purpose which is rendering a bloom in your hands Plunge yourself into a shore of unbiased hope where the spring is abloom with tiny purple blossoms!! Despite the circumstances, have a purpose in hand hold onto…

  • Promise yourself never to say “I’m bored”

    I maybe boring you, but entertaining myself was never a problem for me. Yes, I do exist and don’t get easily bored. I have promised myself never to say “I’m bored”. As long as the mind is busy with constant explorations and weirdness, how can I be bored! Maybe it’s…

  • We are not supposed to be perfect always

    We can not enjoy all things we do always. It’s absolutely okay. Sometimes whatever we do might up end up as a mess. Still it is okay. Well, if you are not okay, don’t say you are okay, instead say you are not okay don’t try to hide your emotions…

  • Don’t be so normal..enjoy the weirdness too

    Don’t be so normal, you are missing to enjoy the weirdness. Occasionally change your routine, there lies the fun. Fun wont wait for any, enjoy it before the day ends. At times try to unsee things, to see it more clearly later. Live on the adventures you put on, not…

  • Did you ever feel so good on waking upto a rejection mail?

    Did you ever feel so good on waking upto a rejection mail? I did! “After a lot of thinking, we have found your work not fit for what we want at the moment. It made the final round of selection and it was a hard decision but we have to…

  • A degree with 100% pain tolerance

    A degree with 100% pain tolerance

    She imagined herself to be a bold controller of her emotions. But she could never get used to that sudden rush of pain from past. They hit her while while writing, while cooking, while googling, while working and what not. Even while laughing, a part of her mind was lost…

  • What’s meant won’t happen on it’s own

    What’s meant won’t happen on it’s own

    If it’s meant to be, it wont’ be always We think, what’s meant to be will always find its way. And if something just passes by, we assume it was not meant for us. Well, it’s a relief for our beliefs, just to cope with the uncertainty, A refuge if…

  • Neediness or love

    Neediness or love

    Fix me Fix me I can’t Only you can No..No one can Why not? ‘Cause you’re not broken ************* Don’t leave me Don’t leave me alone I’m not leaving, I’m letting you go But why? ‘Cause you’ve to settle on your own ************* I need you I’m not complete, I…

  • Wear your soul – Stop being attention seeking

    Attention Seeking It’s quite a human nature to seek for attention and care. But when you play the worst drama for catching the excessive amount of attention, you fall into that category of irksome attention seeking type.   When the drama is evident, my don’t care attitude towards the dramatists…

  • Are you fed up of the weight of the grief you carry in your tears?

    Are you fed up of the weight of the grief you carry in your tears? Are you feeling that it’s not just emotionally painful, but physically too? If so, you are not reading this by chance, Its time for an intimate date with yourself, to examine your life, to do…

  • You can only make you complete, but it’s you to define what’s complete

    You can only make you complete, but it’s you to define what’s complete

    Dear friend, You are always my friend, and I love you a bit more everyday. But I can not make you complete. No one else can. You think there is some half to come out from the mysteries of universe to make you a whole. But trust me no such…

  • Reminders are replenishing

    Reminders are replenishing

    We are born knowing and bethinking many things. Still sometimes we all need some simple reminders for something which is already there in our consciousness but just ignored or put on hold. It needn’t be a thing which we have forgotten but got sidelined somehow. So at times we all…

  • How to unlearn the Learned helplessness ?

    Did this thought “I have tried everything, still it’s is going beyond my controls, feeling helpless, so let it be somehow now” ever crossed your mind? Not your blame, but self-taught You are stressed and exhausted. But you haven’t’ tried everything. Instead unconsciously got tuned to the helplessness. This happens…

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