Category: Meaning of Life

  • Who am I?

    Who am I?

    Some times, I’m a science girl delving into the quantum mysteries and gazing at the cosmic dance. Other times, receiving signals from the Cosmos I embrace spirituality. Read more about wordsandnotion here.

  • A journey of self-discovery- part 6: Spiritualism

    A journey of self-discovery- part 6: Spiritualism

    Curiosity and inertia I’ve always been curious about the mysteries of the mind, eager to understand what constitutes our soul, ‘consciousness,’ and more. However, a certain inertia restrained my exploration at times. I’ve been a curious soul,seeking the essence of ‘I ‘, exploring the meaning of living.When “Is this world…

  • A journey of self-discovery- part 5: free-spiritedness

    A journey of self-discovery- part 5: free-spiritedness

    Once, a little girl found love all around her. That was her way of freedom and self reliance. It sheltered her in moments of pressure. Yet, life’s journey prompted her free-spirit to hide. Now, she is making an effort to rediscover that feeling & find her way back to that…

  • A letter to my future self

    Dear me, How are you doing? Me too fine.. Loading to 2023.. hand flipping the 2022 calendar to 2023 year You remember, I was in ICU when 2022 started.. Hospitals, diagnosis, tests, reviews… What a happening NEW #NewYear was last time.. Whatever, I’m still alive with some ups and downs.…

  • A journey of self-discovery- part 4: Quantum schizophrenia

    I started to feel like I am everywhere while nowhere. I have everything while nothing.. Am I enjoying some state of quantum schizophrenia? I’m trying to cross that river connecting Quantum Mechanics and consciousness. A deep hollow tunnel appearing quite frequently in my dreams is trying to convey something. But…

  • How to live in the moment by engaging your senses

    How to live in the moment by engaging your senses Breathe every moment you live in. Only the now moments can take us to the ecstasies of true happiness. Time spent in the past is time lost forever. Living in the moment means neither dwelling on the past and not…

  • Nothing matters

    Nothing matters Half of me is drenched in downpour Rain has this magic of falling uneven it wets the north of my home while no drops at the south But still that dewdrop on the blades of grass sparkles as if nothing mattered It just lives breathes the moment and…

  • ദാർശനിക ദേഹം (Philosophic body) : Poetry published

    ദാർശനിക ദേഹം (Philosophic body) : Poetry published

    One of my Malayalam Poems “ദാർശനിക ദേഹം“ along with its English translation (Philosophic body) has appeared in Indian Periodical, an Online Literary journal. This Malayalam poem was written long back though very recently only I did a translation. I believe I could pay justice to both versions. You can catch…

  • Despite the circumstances, have a purpose in hand

    Despite the circumstances, have a purpose in hand

    While circumstances are floating like the waves of ocean hold on to the unshakable purpose which is rendering a bloom in your hands Plunge yourself into a shore of unbiased hope where the spring is abloom with tiny purple blossoms!! Despite the circumstances, have a purpose in hand hold onto…

  • Answer lies in your interpretations

    Answer lies in your interpretations

    Why do I work hard to achieve more? Why can’t I be content with what I have? Why my planner is always packed? Why can’t I simply sit and take rest? Why do I need to think about the meaning of life? Why can’t I forget all such madness? I know we…

  • What is most primary – matter or consciousness?

    What is most primary – matter or consciousness?

    What is consciousness? How does consciousness actually emerge? Is it an irreducible property like electric charges or an emergent property? What is most primary – matter or consciousness? Is there any atomistic nature for our consciousnesses? If its made of atoms, why are the atoms in our body incapable of…

  • Where are you in this universe?

    “When are we gonna meet again”Thinking on some whom I haven’t seen for years “Where are you in this universe” Thinking on some whom I haven’t ever met “Will we meet again in another life”Thinking on some who won’t ever appear in this one dimensional time travel life Will there be…

  • Finding the me: A journey of self-discovery- part 3

    Finding the me: A journey of self-discovery- part 3

    I started to feel like I am everywhere while nowhere, I have everyone while no one, I have everything while nothing.. Am I enjoying some state of quantum entanglement? While thinking in a universal scale I feel nothing matterd ultimately. While thinking in an atomic scale I feel everything really…

  • Finding the me: A journey of self-discovery- part 2

    Finding the me: A journey of self-discovery- part 2

    “Words whipping up whimsical waves of notion to discern the quantum code of my soul” This was my tagline some months back for many years. Looking back, now I wonder how come I had a “quantum soul” in that line, I don’t remember having the idea of a quantum consciousness…

  • Finding the me: A journey of self-discovery- part 1

    There was a girl who always imagined what’s behind the boundary of universe, if any are there. But her imaginations never could take her to the ultimate serene depths of empty space. Somewhere in the life journey, she lost her track and failed to define her higher horizons which she…

  • What if I die at this moment?

    “Live in the moment” – Often heard a lot. And definitely it’s an important concept as it is the only way to enjoy life to the fullest. So while living in this moment, what if I die at this moment? There is no certainty for a tomorrow. “I am dead” – “I” was present a…

  • I am not the body

    I am no longer ‘I’ in a dreamless sleep The senses away from the mind, The consciousness suspended I am in a deep sleep so as in death.

  • Why did it bloom, if it’s going to wither?

    There is a new flower in my garden. It is soothing to watch it blooming. But it will wither and go back to soil by evening or so.. Then why did it bloom initially..?

  • Take a step back and laugh at yourself

    Take a step back and laugh at yourself

    It was a nice blunder. But I had no work around other than informing the concerned person. I had that habit of thinking over it and stressing myself earlier. But this time, I felt it better. Why things should be taken too seriously as someone says in lost art..? This…

  • He loves me, he loves me not  – The thrill of uncertainties

    He loves me, he loves me not  – The thrill of uncertainties

    Certain or uncertain..? Uncertainties are always accompanied with so many ups and downs.  And no one will love to have a life full of uncertainties. But if everything are certain, what thrill can appear in life? If life is going on just as expected, won’t it be too boring? So…

  • Oh God, Please help me

    Oh God, Please help me

    I am not quite sure, if I believe in God. Yes, I do pray, go to worship places. Does it all mean that I am a devotee of God? So far, I didn’t dare to question the existence of God. Maybe I was confused. If I say something against God,…

  • Is ‘Now’ an illusion ?

    Is ‘Now’ an illusion ?

    Start living your life in the present. Forget the regrets about the past and anxieties about the future. Simply enjoy what’s happening now. These statements are something which we often hear.But my question is “Does ‘present’ exist really?” Say, you are reading this now.. In fact you are not.. Since…

  • Who am I ?

    I know my name, my whereabouts, my life, my love, everything… But I don’t know my soul.. I am in quest of the eternal self.. Definitely one day I will. With my eyes and ears closed, with all my senses sealed, I may attain that realization. Will I lose my love…

  • What should I Pray?

    What should I Pray?

    I used to have a list of concerns to discuss with God during my pray time. But nowadays I feel a kind of blankness.. Nothing to pray. Am I becoming a sage? Hmm .. No chance. 🙂 I guess this state may be for a few days only, as I’m…

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