Category: Think Piece

  • The dark side of ChatGPT: In the realm of poetry & beyond

    The dark side of ChatGPT: In the realm of poetry & beyond

    Wherever you are, leave your distinct mark, not an AI mark !! Read more about “The dark side of ChatGPT: In the realm of poetry & beyond” in my most recent blog. #blogging #WritingCommunity I apologize, but I have to say this, .. Read more..

  • A journey of self-discovery- part 6: Spiritualism

    A journey of self-discovery- part 6: Spiritualism

    Curiosity and inertia I’ve always been curious about the mysteries of the mind, eager to understand what constitutes our soul, ‘consciousness,’ and more. However, a certain inertia restrained my exploration at times. I’ve been a curious soul,seeking the essence of ‘I ‘, exploring the meaning of living.When “Is this world…

  • Reflections & Revelations is live now!

    Reflections & Revelations is live now!

    After a long while, a poetry wrote me I was hibernating in a misty forest while the words were delineating the unheard rhythm of my heart The stanzas are still in the backwoods of my soul it’s not for everyone, but I want to get it read.. But who..?? I…

  • Books can hear you

    With the advent of digitization, there are many books which you can listen to. But what about books listening you..? Yes, books can hear you! Have you experienced this bizarre listening by books? Most of the times books take me to their world. A world which is far away from…

  • I’m not going to change for anyone.. Sure..?

    I’m not going to change for anyone.. Sure..?

    People say, this is me. I’m not going to change for anyone. If you cannot adjust me, get away. Well, no offense. But just a question to you “Aren’t you a social being?” The social media and all such have created this impact on us that we can do whatever…

  • Cry if you want to

    Cry if you want to

    Cry if you want to! Are you forcing yourself to stay calm or atleast not to cry? Are you refraining from venting out? Are you afraid to share what you are feeling? If so, you are simply accepting an invitation from depression and other health hazards. “Strong men don’t cry”…

  • Got published

    Feeling good that one of my recent short form poems is published in Pure haiku. It’s a Haiku. You can find it here . This haiku is part of Volcano theme. As you know Haiku is a 3 line poem in 5-7-5 syllable format. If you want to know about…

  • Don’t try to see good in everything always

    Don’t try to see good in everything always

    Trying to see good in everything always..? People say it as a good habit. Everyone in fact asks us to see good in others. Yeah..It’s good too. I always try to see good in everything. Actually it is not a try, rather it just happens naturally. In fact, how I…

  • To people who are in their twenties

    People who are in their twenties, please read this seriously. For others it’s not too late, it’s always better to start sooner rather than later. The whole intention of the article is not to explain how to find your goals/purpose or how to channelize your energy or how to attain…

  • Future Library: a library with unreadable manuscripts

    Have you heard about a Library with unreadable manuscripts? It was totally new to me until a few days back. So recently there was a ceremony, in a forest north of Oslo in Norway, 2022, the Future Library ceremony. What makes the library strange is “it is a collection of…

  • Food has no gender- Do you know cooking?

    Food has no gender- Do you know cooking?

    Do you know cooking? Irrespective of gender all must know cooking. It’s a basic survival skill. A soul hug if you can cook. Actually even our education system must teach these basic skills like cooking, investing etc . Proudly I can say that I know cooking. I cook for myself…

  • Don’t fancify the women by saying, ‘You are the Goddess”

    Don’t fancify the women by saying, ‘You are the Goddess”

    “To the incredible woman in the world..” So many similar messages are spreading and trending in social media now since it being the Women’s day. I know very well that I do exist in a patriarchal society so as any other women But please don’t fancify us by saying, ‘You…

  • Depression – How do you help your loved ones?

    Depression – How do you help your loved ones? “Again and again that sinking feeling inside the secret place of my fenced mind. Swirling the sorrows tears are streaming down through spiky rocks and bends. Let it go.. Let it go..” There would be none who haven’t gone through this…

  • 2 Ways to Overcome Impostor Syndrome

    ‘I don’t actually deserve the job and accomplishments’,‘I’m going to be found out soon’‘Do I really deserve all these appreciations or are they just doing some favor for me?’ Have you ever thought like this? In a world of show-off, there are some people who downplay their accomplishments and attribute…

  • The weirdness of literally feeling with others

    The weirdness of literally feeling with others

    Have you experienced this weirdness of “literally feeling with others”, moving yourself into someone’s mind and reading what they are thinking as well feeling what they are feeling? I am not talking about projecting your thoughts into someone’s, but the other way where you are grabbing their thoughts, feeling and…

  •  “I just don’t have enough time” – A big white lie

     “I just don’t have enough time” – A big white lie

    “I just don’t have enough time” – A big white lie It’s a big fat lie if you tell, “I just don’t have enough time”. [So what’s your state on time? – Finding time to do things or doing things to kill time?] So something which I would love to…

  • Is objective evaluation possible if too attached to the subject?

    Is objective evaluation possible if too attached to the subject?

    Someone 1: She is my girl….see her blue eyes, speaking our love. Someone 2: What’s there in that caty eyes..I don’t see anything..seems you are lost in her love.. Hmm.. there are certain facts which we need to accept as such. Say for example, pure water is colorless always…do you…

  • How to come back to the easy going life?

    How to come back to the easy going life?

    Free spirited Once upon a time there lived a cheerful little dandelion, a white puffy ball. Blown off in the gentle breeze it was moving with the cluster of furry parachutes. It was so calm and heart-warming for any souls on its path… it had no worries, no static whereabouts,…

  • A woman of her own rules

    A woman of her own rules

    She wore curiosity, played out of her comfort zone and broke norms. She was authentic and confident of what she was saying People for whom anything new is bad, challenged and mocked her for things she said. Buts she was a woman of her own rules. She didn’t strive to…

  • I hate crying in front of people..

    I’ve convinced myself that it’s okay to cry watching movies in front of people. That’s how I’m .. why should I mask it..? But otherwise, I still hate crying in front of people no matter how close they are to me. It’s not that I am embarrassed to cry in…

  • Being at cause

    Being at cause

    I’m stuck.. 😦 ‘It’s never too late to change even when you feel stuck in a dark lonely corner, but what’s distressing is you resisting to hold the hands of hope.‘ There is no way out for me.. 😦 ‘I really wanna assure you. But you are stepping back and…

  • Nuclear shadows – The Haunting remainders

    Nuclear shadows – The Haunting remainders

    It was a huge blast wiping out thousands and thousands of dreams on August 6th 1945 at Hiroshima, Littleboy on Hiroshima and three days later Fatman over Nagasaki, two cities in Japan. Miraculously there were some survivors like Tsutomu Yamaguchi and haunting remainders too in the form of Nuclear Shadows.…

  • Gender bias and how it affects your free expressions

    Being connected and being in love are not the same. It is a sense of familiarity as we connect, like meeting our own self, like our own mind speaking, like that song which makes you close your eyes. Still sometimes, even when the feelings are genuine and deep, we can’t…

  • Judging them doesn’t define them, but you

    Judging them doesn’t define them, but you

    “I am grateful that I am not as judgmental as all those censorious, self-righteous people around me.” – anonymous In a way we are all like this.. we think we are not judgemental, but deep inside we are not an exception. We do judge others, be it small or not.…

  • Realities and conclusions or Imaginations and conclusions?

    Some brains need all the facts or realities to arrive at some conclusions. So most probably their conclusions would be perfectly fitting with the case. But they have only one perception, only one source for everything. Whereas there are some others who work upon their imaginations [obviously not any fancy…

  • What you need to know before generalizing – There are thousand tiny things unnoticed

    All of us want to be treated good without compromising our ego.  But when the stereotyping rules, one might be tempted to overgeneralize persons or their attitudes, thinking in a predetermined manner.  “See, that girl crossing the road, how stupid she looks” or “I have bought a new branded machine,…

  • Are you failing to formulate the thoughts into speech?

    Are you failing to formulate the thoughts into speech?

    The busy mind keeps on talking to me silently. And when there is a time to speak, to add a flavour of spoken words to the emotions, the otherwise busy mind just shuts down automatically and thus pushing me to a hell of silence. Have you experienced this awkwardness? If…

  • When people are running do you run in the middle?

    When people are running do you run in the middle?

    “When people are running, you should run in the middle” It’s a proverb actually meaning ‘one must strive to assimilate to the norm’. Maybe it’s another prejudice wall built in the minds of people asking to change yourself when everyone around you is changing. And people easily fall in to…

  • Be emotionally intelligent

    Be emotionally intelligent

    Have you ever felt a soul crushing tension while entering into some room, even maybe within your own home? Could be due to someone’s presence or even absence.. And it hurts a lot when the reason for your discomfort becomes the person with whom you want to be most comfortable.…

  • Happiness Hormones – Never stop at yours, make others too feel it

    Happiness Hormones – Never stop at yours, make others too feel it

    Recently I got an instagram message from an unknown, “Are you content with what you have” That simple question was thought provoking actually. I was trying to read it in this way “Am I happy now?”. (Well, I know, the query can be read in a different way too, but…

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